Our Work
We foster the growth of a robust economy that provides well-paying jobs for the diverse population living on our islands year-round.
We support initiatives that ensure the maintenance and growth of various business types on our islands, promoting a diverse and collaborative economy, which is key to resilience.
We consider our islands’ values in all our efforts, investing in projects that enhance our infrastructure and improve the quality of life for all community members.
Our Work
Helping Local Businesses Thrive
We hold regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month (except stats, then fourth Monday), at twelve noon with locations varying to keep attendance engaging and accessible for as many members as possible throughout the year. Meeting details, date, location, and agenda are communicated to members via email one week in advance. Council meetings are scheduled as needed.
Our past initiatives have focused on areas such as developing a cooperative tourism marketing program in partnership with DestinationBC’s Community Tourism Opportunities program. Both Quadra and Cortes islands have active tourism groups that function as standing committees of the Chamber. More information about them can be found here: Quadra Island Tourism and the Cortes Island Business and Tourism Association.
The Chamber is continually encouraging and sponsoring activities that positively impact the economy and our communities.
Our Work